Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What’s happening here?

Corrupts are Hailed! And the Righteous are being ill-treated, threatened, transferred and murdered?

Criminals are released and only the poor innocent victims are punished...

Natural Love is condemned and unnatural homosexuality and Lesbianism is being accepted.

Natural sex is condemned as sin and Perverted sex being marketed thru Porn Books, Websites, Films, Fashion Shows...Etc.

All that is Natural and Right are made to believe Wrong: And all that is Wrong been made Right!

Hahaha! What a conspiracy Being Played by the vested interests!
Poisoned foods are available easily but the organic needs Certificates and tuff approval procedures!

All the producers of non essentials like... Cigarette, Alcohol and Cosmetics are billionaires. But the framers, who produces the most essential of life is committing suicide in extreme poverty.

All Religions’ talk about Love at Length, but where is LOVE?..They create only hatred among other religions. Preaching Love but Spreading hatred!

If Criminality, corruption, Rape, Prostitution, Drinking  ...etc...are accepted as sin by all religious followers ..then who does it actually?..Is anyone comes from MARS?

99% follows some or other religion?... Then why the hell all sin is happening?
Simply because of “ Everyone is in the Religion: but No one is Religious!”

Religion had just become a ritual! Not a Lifestyle!...
Religions had utterly failed to allow people to Grow in Love.
God failed utterly to allow people to grow in Morality. 
God is a device to impose morality from outside by creating fear of hell!...
Tactics didn’t work ...God too Failed!?!?!

Morality and self discipline has to come from within!

Everything is upside down!...Topsy Turvy!
IS it a World or Mad House?
Are you Ready to put it back, right up?...

Join I A M!